Intolerance is quite hard to gauge esp if the intolerance is mild. For milk protein intolerance symtpoms can show straight away or build up over days, depenmding on how much ndairy thety are epxosed to and how sensitive they are. My first born had a milder milk protein intoelrance, but still if I drsnk a glas of milk he would be spitting up and unsettled within hours, but yet I could eat lesser dairy items with no symptoms like butter and some cheeses.
Some babies show various stools from constipation to diarrhea, Ds1's were always yellow and mucusy. Ds2, goes green and mucus with strings about 24 hours after I have eatne the offending foods and lasts for a few days.
I find that I can eat a bananna a day if stay away from other problem foods, but yet, I can't just go and eat corn, avocadoes, bannana all in one day as all these items are very high in salicylates and Ds2 would be sure to suffer.
If you want to test dairy try and just do the same dairy item for 3-4 days whilst holding everything else constant - nothing else new. Same for the mangoes.
They do outgrow the intolerances, of course not set time. The more sensitive the longer it takes. Alot out grow them by 1 yr old, some takes till 2, a few till school age, and some have them more life, (but usually build up more tolerance as time goes on ) eg my DH can eat a square or two of mangoes as an adult but as a kid broke out in rashes.
Martina: - thanks for the vote of confidence
I have learned heaps from the ladies on this site, I guess having two intolerant kids speeds up the learning curve!