Thanks for your reply! Right now our routine looks like this:
E 7:00am wake and breastfeed
A diaper, dress, play, walk (I aim for 2 hours 15 minutes of awake time)
E 8:15 solids
S 9:15am sleep (usually about 1 hr 45 minutes)
E 11:00 wake and breastfeed
A diaper, play, shopping/playdate (again I aim for about 2 hours and 15 minutes of awake time)
E 12:15 solids
S 1:30 sleep (usually 2 hours or more, but I wake him by 4:00pm)
E 3:00-4:00 wake and breastfeed
A play/walk
E 5:15 solids
A 6:00 bath
E 6:30 breastfeed
S 7:00 bedtime
E 10:30'ish I no longer offer a Dreamfeed, but if he wakes for it I feed him, he then will usually sleep through the night until around 7:00am'ish. If he doesn't wake for a DF then he wakes around 3:30am for a quick feeding (I just started "wake to sleep" for this night wakening as I think it's habitual)
Thanks BW Mama's!