Author Topic: When do EASY nap times change?  (Read 1066 times)

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Offline lisawoodrow

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When do EASY nap times change?
« on: August 17, 2010, 15:08:55 pm »
Hi there,

I don't recall reading anywhere in Tracy's book about when to adjust naps times from 9:00am and 1:00pm.  Obviously as our LO's get bigger and more alert they can handle more and more alert time and then they eventually go to one nap between 12-18 months.  Does it anywhere in her books suggest at what ages or weights to start increasing their awake time i.e. nap at 9:30am and 2:00pm? 

Also, does she ever discuss a max/min amount of daytime sleep by age in order to maximize a 12 hour nights sleep (ie. no more than 4 hours sleep time during the day at 8 months).  Thanks BW Mama's!!!!

~ Lisa and her l'il man Marek - 23 weeks

Offline lisawoodrow

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Re: When do EASY nap times change?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2010, 16:12:12 pm »
Weird, why isn't there a little "new" symbol beside my post like the other new ones from today? 

Offline Jiinx

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Re: When do EASY nap times change?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 16:51:53 pm »
Hi there!

Does it anywhere in her books suggest at what ages or weights to start increasing their awake time i.e. nap at 9:30am and 2:00pm?

It's not based on ages or's based on what time they wake in the morning and how much A time they can handle. I never had set nap times.
 When my lo was 7 months and if she woke at 6am, then I would put her down between 9-9:30, whenever I thought she was giving me tired cues.
Maybe these links may help?


Would you like to post your routine so we can have a peek?

Weird, why isn't there a little "new" symbol beside my post like the other new ones from today?

Posts written by you wouldn't be shown "new" to you, but would be to everyone else who haven't read it.

HTH a bit :)

Offline lisawoodrow

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Re: When do EASY nap times change?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 18:14:25 pm »
Thanks for your reply!  Right now our routine looks like this:

E  7:00am wake and breastfeed
A  diaper, dress, play, walk (I aim for 2 hours 15 minutes of awake time)
E  8:15 solids
S  9:15am sleep (usually about 1 hr 45 minutes)

E  11:00 wake and breastfeed
A  diaper, play, shopping/playdate (again I aim for about 2 hours and 15 minutes of awake time)
E  12:15 solids
S  1:30 sleep (usually 2 hours or more, but I wake him by 4:00pm)

E  3:00-4:00 wake and breastfeed
A  play/walk
E  5:15 solids
A  6:00 bath
E  6:30 breastfeed
S  7:00 bedtime

E  10:30'ish  I no longer offer a Dreamfeed, but if he wakes for it I feed him, he then will usually sleep through the night until around 7:00am'ish.  If he doesn't wake for a DF then he wakes around 3:30am for a quick feeding (I just started "wake to sleep" for this night wakening as I think it's habitual)

Thanks BW Mama's!

Offline Jiinx

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Re: When do EASY nap times change?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 00:31:48 am »
hi hun...
Did you have a question in regards to your routine?
