My Lo is 8 months and for the last 1-2 weeks has not been finishing her bottles. We are again trying to weaning the DF so her 4 bottle should be 8oz but she has been drinking 5oz-7oz tops. She loves her solids and will fuss and even cry if I try to give her less, i have tried lessing her soilds for more milk and all it did was make her fuss pretty much all day and start NW again. I am not a night person so after 2 nights of this I said forget this. She gets 3 meals a day of 12 teaspoons pre feed. I know that before 1 year they are suppose to have more milk then solids but Shes not listening to that!!!! she is in the 94% for her age group and has always been a big eatter and up until this did drink her bottles dry. Should I just start giving her 6oz bottles keep her food the same and not be worried?