Author Topic: naps & shh/pat  (Read 706 times)

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Offline Meditrina

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naps & shh/pat
« on: August 24, 2010, 00:05:48 am »
Ok maybe more then one question here.

My  DD is 5 months now.  Up till 4 months she was a dream to put to sleep, at least at naps.  I would swaddle her, give her her suckie, lye her on her side, a few quiet shhh and off she went.  And slept for 1.5-2 hours most of the time.  Then DHs gramma dies and we hd a week of trekking a hour away for various serivces etc, then we were on vacation which was lots of driving and sling/stroller naps.  Now we have been back at home i have been trying for two weeks to get her back to napping well. 

She goes to sleep fine.  Now.  It took a week to get her to go to sleep and stay that way, but almost consistantly she will fall asleep, swaddled with her suckie on her side in her crib.  Then she will wake up like she cannot transition into her next sleep cycle.  But the times vary so I am not sure that is the prob.  sometimes 20 min sometimes 60.  I have been trying to get up there to shush her through the transtion and it has only happened once.  I was so happy and knew that time I went up 35 min after she fell asleep and she transitioned about 40 min then went on to sleep for another hour.  But I have never caught that window again. 

So, do I try to get there to shush her through the transition?  Will this eventually re-teach her how to nap longer? (I mean she was already there, she used to be a 1.5-2 hour napper)  Also once she opens her eyes all bets are off with shh/pat.  I just cannot resettle her that way and have to resort to pu/pd.  So should I just wait till she cries after she wakes and then do pu/pd? (if I cannot get there to shush her through transition??)  Will pu/pd teach her to extend naps?  Also she does not seem to sleep very deeply after a pu/pd session and sometimes cries so hard she pukes.  But in reality I get better results with pu/pd.  I dont want her to be so upset she pukes so if I see she is getting to that point I may hold her a little longer to settle more and hopefully decrease the chance of puking. 

As you can see I need quite a bit of help  :P  What do you think I should do?  I need more of a game plan cuz when I get up there I lose my mind.  Oh, she has about 1h 45m to 2h A time right now, trying to feed every four hours (I am finding her cues hard to read and she seems hungry all the time, but I was thinking I may have some supply issues as well.  I make more foremilk then hind milk.  Can I feed every two hours off the same side?)  Wow I am in a mess  :-[ TIA

Offline Meditrina

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Re: naps & shh/pat
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 01:37:16 am »
Okay I have to have a little rant on my own thread.......even before anyone has replied!  :-[

We had bedtime, no prob ging to sleep, was down for 40 min and started crying, did shh/pat and she started bawling, picked her up, put her down etc etc till she calmed enough to take her suckie.  She took the suckie, I continued to shh/pat while she was lying there for 20 odd min and then bawling again.  Repeat, repeat, repeat until I had been in her room using various tools to get her to sleep with no results.  She kept trying to suck on my chest so I finally gave up and fed her.  Not to sleep, but fed her then gave her the suckie and now she is sleeping (so far) on the couch next to me....... :'( :'( :'(  This sucks.  I basically have accomplished nothing, but making my baby cry for 2 hours as well as keeping my 3 year old up.  But I could not keep her up there any longer and keep my little man awake......

Bleugh.....Now I feel rather crappy  :-\

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Re: naps & shh/pat
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 02:21:20 am »
We're having similar issues Mary. Only in the last 3 days have I got any longer naps at all and we're still a long way from being sorted (got a big thread on here myself trying to sort it all out!). Jacob is the same age and his A time is higher - 2hrs15 (don't even know if it's the ideal A time yet, but it has got me 3 longer naps in the past 3 days so it's close) so my bet is that she's UT that's why she doesn't need another sleep cycle.
Just a thought to get you started!
Jenny - mama to

Offline Meditrina

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Re: naps & shh/pat
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 02:28:35 am »
Thanks Jenny = )

Tommorrow I will try to get a 2h15 A time and see if that helps......I will maybe check out your thread too to get some more ideas.  I hope tonight goes well (she has also been getting up lots at night and wont settle till she eats, but I think that has to do with me not getting her all the way up to eat and then she only snack ykwim?  Or maybe the supply issue again....hmmmm) I need energy for the battles tommorrow!