Hi there,
My 4yo goes to pre-school and I will soon be starting a full time job, meaning that she will have to stay either with friends or in the after-school care until about 5.30pm. By then she is normally soo exhausted that getting any cooked food into her is a complete nightmare. At lunch however the school doesn't serve any food, meaning we'll probably be in a situation where she gets to eat sandwiches at lunch and dinner. As it is she's a very poor eater, so I'm quite concerned about the impact this will have on her, and since it's not a temporary situation I'd really like to sort this out.
My question is: any ideas/recipes for her lunch, that you could put on a sandwich/looks/feels like a sandwich, which could substitute some of the veggies/other type of food she wouldn't be getting at dinner? Most kids just get "bread with something", school doesn't allow any wrapping (eg aluminium foil) as they want to limit the amount of rubbish they produce. So quite limiting...
Any ideas, suggestions, ideas, recipes...