Thanks for the response.
He prefers sweet, i tried pancakes this morning but they went pear shaped so have bought a new frying pan to try again. He will munch on bread, today i've given him melba toast with salmon pate on it which he was thinking about and will try again.
He will have a go at strawberries, grapes and most fruit, loves bananas. Its so frustrating, I try not to get annoyed but am so worried about it. I put him back on hungry baby milk so he got lots of calories, but am now moving him back to follow on for the extra nutrients.
I make sure he has a bottle at 7am, then he doesn't have another one until after lunch (he has about 4 oz), then one before bed. He has his two bottom teeth, one top and the other is just breaking through. But i think he has more on the sides on the way.
He does eat pretty good in nursery, and i've tried the same food at home which he refuses.