Author Topic: Totally stuck with 13 month old  (Read 905 times)

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Offline FionaS

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Totally stuck with 13 month old
« on: September 13, 2010, 14:29:19 pm »
DD2 is now 13 months old.  She started out a great sleeper but it's been going downhill since about 7 months. During the day she is a sweet and very happy girl.  No signs of unsettledness or grumpiness except for being pretty clingy and prefering to be carried much of the time.

We've always followed EASY. Never AP'ed to sleep.  Always followed an age appropriate routine, as led partially by these routines and partially by her cues.  She has a great wind-down routine, a cuddly and her own room which has black out drapes.  She sleeps in  sleep sack and has a dreaming for babies CD for day sleeps.

However, her naps are regularly 30 or 40 mins with the occassional 1.5 hour one thrown in to the mix.  She has 2 naps a day.  Even on days when she has 1 nap she still only has  short one.  We have regularly and consistently tried to extend naps and during those times have adjusted awake times up and down gradually as well but since 7 months those naps will just not extend.

She is not sleeping through.  She wakes a cries at the top of her lungs at some point between 10pm and 4am.  Always different times.  We had managed to gradually water her night bottle down to 50mLs but then she got sick and for the last 2 months we've been back to larger bottles and unable to get it down again.

More recently, we've had more and more nights where she will have a little bit of milk, go back to bed, be quiet for a short time then cry again.  We've tried leaving her, offering more milk, etc etc but she just keeps crying.  In despair I even tried lying down with her & walking around cuddling her but even that didn't work.

So some nights she'll drink 200mLs, others 60. Some nights she settle straight after, others she'll cry for an hour or 2 no matter what we do.

I've had her checked out by doctors and she is fine.  Ears and throat are clear.  No apparent allergy symptoms.  A happy and well baby. The only other issue we have is that she is not good with solids. She used to be, but she's had so many colds that she's now a poor eater.  She spits most food out and mainly plays with finger food.

EASY is usually as follows:  Up at 6.30ish, breakfast, milk, play.  Nap at 10am for 30 or 40mins.  Morning tea, activity, lunch, milk etc. Second nap around 1.30 or 2 for 30 or 40mins.  Dinner around 5.30, bath, breastfeed, stories, bottle, teeth, song & bed by 6.30pm

Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: Totally stuck with 13 month old
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 22:34:37 pm »
hi there!

i notice a couple of things - firstly, the night wakings, could they be genuine hunger?  if she isn't doing so well with her solids it is highly likely that milk alone isn't enough to sustain her for longer periods now that she is bigger.   

also, is she getting her molars?  teeth, especially canines and molars, were miserable for sleep with my los.

i also think perhaps the 10 am nap is too early, resulting in an undertired nap, then accumulating overtired for the rest of the day.  have you tried pushing out that morning nap closer to 10:30 or 11 am then letting her catnap later in the afternoon to make it through the day?

Offline FionaS

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Re: Totally stuck with 13 month old
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 01:31:57 am »
Hi. Thanks for your reply.

She might be hungry so we were giving a bottle.   But we have more and more nights when the bottle doesn't seem to be what she wants and she pushes it away.

I've tried moving the nap later, yeap.  And still it is around 30 mins long.

She has only just got her 6th tooth so no where near molars or eye teeth yet :)

Offline momtonb&ab

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Re: Totally stuck with 13 month old
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 01:36:21 am »
She has only just got her 6th tooth so no where near molars or eye teeth yet

those are soon coming - do you see any indication of more teeth coming?

how many days did you try pushing out the nap?  for us, we had to go at least a week before we saw tangible results. 

Offline FionaS

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Re: Totally stuck with 13 month old
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 02:00:41 am »
We tried for about 2 weeks. Nothing seemed to work so I got lax with it, decided short sleeps were her lot and went with her cues.

She has to get her 2 bottom inscisors first and then it'll be onto molars. there is no visible sign of more teeth right at the moment but they are probably moving around.  They are pretty much always teething to some degree for the first 2 years though really.