Author Topic: when does 1 nap become none?  (Read 969 times)

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Offline gemma2313

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when does 1 nap become none?
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:07:34 am »
My ds1 is 23mo. He usually naps 12.30 - 2.30 everyday... wakes at 7, bed by 7.30/8. He's a very independant sleeper so much so that most days he tells me "bed mum, bed" and grabs my hand leading me off to his bedroom to help get him ready for sleep..

for some reason 3 times over the last 3 weeks he has refused to sleep... I have made him stay in his room and after repeated attempts to sooth/settle him he still doesnt want to sleep. I have changed the nappy / checked temp / given drink etc etc so know that there isnt actually a problem. Each time I *FINALLY* managed to get him to sleep by laying next to him (we have never coslept) gentle stroking his hair until he starts to breath deeply and he has gone to sleep... for at least 45mins...

I'm just wondering what is the "normal" age that BW children stop napping? He is an angel baby/ toddler thru and thru... btw its not teething either as he is very obvious when he's teething.

today was the first time he said "no nap mum "... please tell me that his wonderful sleep is not coming to an end!!! I have finally got the hang of getting ds2 and ds1 to nap AT THE SAME TIME.. and I really enjoy my peace!!
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Offline *Becky*

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 16:45:15 pm »
Hi there,
Could you post your usual routine so we can take a look. I doubt he is ready to give up the nap but he may need it moving later.

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2010, 18:00:51 pm »
I think there is partly an age element to this as my 24 mth old is doing it, and it isn't a routine issue.

Some boundary pushing at my end. But it is very frustrating!

Offline gemma2313

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 04:52:22 am »
yeah I don't think its likely to be routine related... cause it doesn't happen when hes OT or UT ... its just random I think.

His routine is fairly set and has been for months... He goes to bed usually at 12.30 everyday - unless he woke really early or is genuinely more tired (cold / teething / big morning /night etc)...

He wakes from 6.30 - 7
naps from 12.30 - 2.30/3
bedtime is 7.30/8...

He STTN virtually everynight

Because he still naps generally for 2hrs its not a big deal... I'm just wondering what time BW mums usually find that their lo's stop napping? I have a lot of non BW friends that reckon their children stopped at 18mos , another just before 2... and another that still has a 4 yr old napping.... Those that have stopped never really had a good routine and I don't think there children were really independant sleepers (one still isnt!) so I'm not really wanting to follow their advice IYKWIM!!!!

I have found that as ds1 is an angel baby/textbook, just about everything that Tracey says will happen does happen with him so I'm just wondering when I can expect him to really not want or require that day nap... ??
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Offline *Liz*

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 06:21:24 am »
I've posted that before and never really had an answer. I think round about age 2.5-3 us when they seriously drop. I have a low sleep needs spirited so I expect trouble sooner really.

Offline elf

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 11:17:40 am »
Just thought I'd let you know what happened in our situation.  My dd1 is textbook/angel with some spirited.  She was pretty much a 11.5/12 hour night girl with a 2 hour nap.  When she turned 27 months (we had DS2, he was probably around 4 weeks at this stage), she refused her nap/bed, said she wasn't tired etc etc.  With a newborn baby to worry about I couldn't really do much.  I thought she was ready to drop her nap.  I asked my health nurse who said, no, not at all and that she was testing the boundaries.  I stayed firm, put her in her room every nap time (was quite strict) and within a week she was back to napping.  She is 3.3 years and is still taking her nap so I'm really pleased I persevered.  I think it is around the age where they work out that they want to play more, plus they are in their bed and can get out and about.  So that's what we did. 

Offline gemma2313

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Re: when does 1 nap become none?
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2010, 06:04:06 am »
thanks elf. He's been fine since I posted so maybe it is just occasionally testing a boundary. He's been in a bed for 6months + now and hasnt really had any problems with it. Every now and then he gets out but more often than not its to get a book and crawl back into bed to read it!!! (in the dark... !!) I had to move him to a bed early cause I have an 18mo gap between my boys. No problem though, I had the bed in his room from 14mo so he was used to it. Occasionally I would let him nap in it and then one day the cot fairy came and made the cot dissappear... there was no fight. I will definately take your advice and perserve with his naps then! thank you!
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