Author Topic: So frustrated...Baby has Stuffy Nose!  (Read 886 times)

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So frustrated...Baby has Stuffy Nose!
« on: September 23, 2010, 20:09:20 pm »
I am beyond frustrated... My 7 month old has a congested/runny/stuffy nose for the past week and has been bobbing on and off the breast everytime we feed.  It is driving me NUTS! I am constantly soaked in breastmilk, because she will suck, then pull off, cry, suck, pull off, cry....etc. I have taken her to the Dr. 2 times in the past week, no ear infection; no fever, no sinus infection... possibly a cold or allergies or teething.  The Dr. said use saline drops; but it is not helping.  I am worried that she is not getting her nutrition, or I will get mastitis from the crazy eating schedule. I am pumping and giving her milk with her meals in a sippy cup (will not take the bottle).. she's in good spirits, but Mama isn't anymore!!!

Sorry for the rant... just needed to vent! :) Thanks!

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Re: So frustrated...Baby has Stuffy Nose!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 20:32:31 pm »
Sorry to hear your LO is poorly. I can be really frustrating I know. Have you tried vapour rubs to open her airways? I also use a nasal aspirator to suck the mucus out and then prop the head of the cot to aid it draining away when lying down. I use a saline spray which I find easier to administer than the drops and it gets up in there better I think. Also steam can help so could you perhaps have her in the bathroom when it gets steamed up from a hot bath or shower.  I think you can get vapours you put in the bath too.
Hoep she gets better soon.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011