Hi. I understand your frustration at having your thread locked. Let me try to explain why it happened.
The 'regular' boards are for specific questions/comments/requests. So when the mod said that your thread had served it's purpose, it had. You had asked for friends, and made some very good ones - judging by the very social banter you had on the thread.
Who decides - Admin, global moderators and moderators are the ones who make this decision (often in a group setting) about the appropriateness of a thread and how long it continues etc.
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=107279.0Threads that aren't active or productive don't get 'shut down' as they have usually run their natural course and become unused.
Currently the place we do allow chit-chat/discussion/daily talk is the birth clubs. Here is the outline of what the birth clubs offer
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=136949.0, and here is where you can join onto one of them.
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?board=103.0Other than this, PM, email or Facebook are the only other avenues that I can think of for this kind of thread.
HTH, and if you have any further questions or comments please feel free to PM myself, or another GM/Admin and we'll endeavour to help you out.