Hi everyone! I don't get to come on here quite often, but I had to get some advice. First thing, which I know isn't the most common thing on here is.....I formula feed & use jar purees! LOL Just thought I would get that out in the open! LOL! Anyway. My DD is 8 months old, will be 9 months on Oct. 19th. I don't really follow the EASY per se, but I do have a schedule:
7-7:30 - Wake
7:30 - Breakfast
9:00 - Bath
9:30 - Nap
11:00 - Wake
12:00 - Lunch
1-1:30 - Nap
2:30-3 - Wake
4-4:30 - Dinner
5-5:30 - Nap (this isn't all the time though, if so, only 45min or 1hr)
8:00 - Bottle then bedtime!
So, for breakfast I give DD 2tbs of cereal & about 2tbs fruit (pureed). The cereal is mixed with about 1 or 1 1/2 oz of her 4oz bottle. So that usually leaves about 3oz of it left. Prior to her eating her cereal, she will take a few "sips" of her bottle, then she will eat her cereal & fruit. For lunch she gets the remaining container/jar of fruit from breakfast, so probably about 3tbs or 1 1/2oz, water in her sippy cup, and then a few Puffs. After that she will have a bottle of either 2oz or 4oz, depending on how hungry she is, but usually just the 2oz. For dinner she gets a whole container/jar of a veggie, so about 6tbs or 3oz, then a few Puffs. After that she will have a 6oz bottle. Her bottle before bedtime is a 6oz bottle. So her total intake of milk/formula in a day is about 18oz-20oz.
So my questions are.....should she be cutting out a bottle feeding? How do I go about intruducing more finger foods to her and getting off the purees? She doesn not like the stage 3 jar foods at all! We do give her tastes of food that we are eating & she loves it! I just feel so confused right now! I know some LOs aren't even eating purees anymore! I know she wants what we eat. She cries for it everytime we are eating! LOL! I hope I didn't confuse anyone! Sorry this is so long. We don't go to pedi until the end of the month, so I will be asking him also! TIA!