my lo is 13.5 mths old. his easy is:
A - usually 7 (ranges from 530 to 715). if we have a long nwing it is 715, if not, he is awake at 530-615.
S - 1000 for 30 minutes
A - 1030
S - 200 (but the past 3 out of 4 days he has pushed it to 230 today and 315 the other day). he refuses so i get him up for a few min and then tried again later and he seems ready then???
A - 300
S - 700 (it had been 700 but now that the nap is later he isnt waking until 400 so night has been pushed back to 800ish.
so, i am not sure what to do. he seems to need 10.15 at night. that is what he gets when he is ready to get up. the day has been about 1.5 hours and he is in great spirits. but now that his sleep is changing i would like to get some hints on what you would do to avoid any major disruptions.
thanks a bunch!!!