For one week, we've been doing EASY with my 5.5 month daughter and now after one week, something's gone wrong....she started to get this routine, but now I noticed she's overtired, especially for her afternoons....and the last two nights after bath, she took 1 hour to settle down....I have been trying to follow the book to a T, but now I am wondering if she's not getting enough sleep at all?!
The routine below is what we follow, but due to the last 2 nights, I've not fed her right away when I woke her up and wondering if this is causing a problem.
E 7 wake up / bf
A 7:30
S 9 nap
E 11 wake up / solids and sometimes top up bf
A 11:30
S 1pm
E 3pm solids
A 3:30
S 5 nap (sometimes)
E 6 bf
A 6:20 - 6:45
7 bath
7:30 bed
around 11pm wake up again bf for about 40 min
around 3am wake up again bf for about 40 min
(last 2 nights, she's not gone down until about 5:30 am and then I'm trying to wake her up again at 7am to be on track)
so, as I mentioned, this was what we were doing...but I think I messed up somewhere this week.....being tired and still feeding at night a lot...I'm trying to get on a better track here....also, I live in a condo building and when I resolved to do EASY with PU/PD, our neighbours came knocking on our door the second night to complain about our noisy baby...I almost cried...it was taking 2 hours + the first night before she would finally sleep!