My DS has just turned 8mo and in the last few days has started to dramatically reduce his milk intake. He would normally drain a bottle easily 4 times a day but now I'm lucky to get him to take 4oz. I will wait half and hour and see if I can get him to take at least another oz. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. If the weather is hot, I will also give him small sips of water before going for a nap to keep him hydrated.
I have read several other posts on this forum that describe the same issue as I am having so I'm wondering if this is a developmental stage. There are no reflux issues and we moved on to the medium flow Medela teat at least a month ago now.
DS has his two front teeth coming through (his first) and he had a slight fever, runny bum, nappy rash, and white gums in the front. His solid intake fluctuated for a bit too but he is back to eating his normal amount but still won't drink a lot of milk.
Reading the suggestions in the responses to the other post, he may be ready to reduce to 3 bottles a day. I'm wondering if you would take a different course of action when he is teething?
His EASY on a good day looks like this:
0530-6am wake up and play in his cot
7am - bottle (3-4oz)
8am - solids (porridge with fruit and tiny toast squares which he feeds to himself)
9-9.30 - nap
11-11.30am - bottle (2-3oz)
1pm - solids (a spoon of mixed veges (carrots/peas/corn) which he feeds to himself and then avocado/banana pasta
2pm - nap
3-4pm - wakes and play
5.30pm - solids (diced meat and mashed veges)
6pm - bath
6.30 - bottle (2-3oz)
6.45-7pm - bed