Author Topic: Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???  (Read 1048 times)

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Offline ~Karen~

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Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:19:33 am »
Not wanting to start a debate but just wondering people's opinions.  Lewis is now 11 months old and EBF.  I love feeding him and would like to carry on until he weans himself.  However, I go back to work in about a month (probably 2 days a week but don't yet know if consecutive or not) so need to start making some decisions on what milk he's going to have when I'm not around.  I'm not going to express as I find it too much hassle and have enough on my plate as it is. 

My current plan is to start trying him on cow's milk soon out of a cup and let him have that when I'm not around (if he'll take it).  I should also add that he eats very well and anything I give him (enjoy that while it lasts)!  The days I'm at work I should hopefully get one feed in, be it either the morning or bedtime feed depending on what hours I'm doing and then keep on bf'ing on the other 5 days.  Will this mess with my supply though?  I suppose I would be willing to express at work once/twice a day if possible and discard the milk just to keep my supply up.

So what do you reckon?  More hassle than it's worth or a plan that could work?  And the original question, Is there actual any benefit to the baby to keep on bf after a year or am I only doing it for the bond? 

TIA!  Karen x

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Re: Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 11:29:28 am »
There are loads of benefits to bring beyond a year. Am on iPhone so can't post links but hopefully the mods can? (thanks!!)
I bf'd DD1 for 21 months and stopped when I got pregnant with DD2.  I tended to feed first thing and bedtime most days but missed either feed on and off if we were out early or wasn't there for bedtime and it didnt effecty supply. I think doing what you suggested sounds like it would work and there would be no need for pumping. From a year my DD1 had cows milk with meals and that worked great with the bfing too.

HTH xx

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Re: Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 12:21:58 pm »
There are LOADS of benefits, and not just for your lo but for you too! Toddlers benefit nutritionally, are sick less often and have illnesses of shorter duration, and tend to have fewer allergies. Mom have a decreased risk of breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers, and osteoporosis.

And remember that you and your lo get these benefits with ANY breastfeeding - so even if you continue with just one or two feeds, it's still worth doing :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 14:04:09 pm »
Just found this!

The benefits of extended breastfeeding are the same as those for breastfeeding a baby under one year of age. Breast milk contains
- nutrients (for energy and growth),
- antibodies (for immunity) and
- vitamins (for growth and development).
Thus, extended breastfeeding continue to give him the nutritional benefits of breast milk.

I would agree - my kids (particularly Emma who had a larger intake over one year as Oscar was intent on self weaning apart from the am and pm feeds only) are very, very healthy and even when they do get sick they tend to get over it quicker than average. But then maybe that's overall diet and sleep related too...hard to say. Also related to the fact that I don't "wrap them in cotton wool" (typical in PL mums) nor overuse antibiotics (Oscar has had augmentim twice in 5 yrs, Emma zero so far).

Breast milk may not be crucial for an older child since North American have relatively good diets (compared to for example, the diet of a child in a poor, developing country). However, extended breastfeeding offers emotional benefits too. It:
- soothes a child when he is upset or sad; 
- I never had my kids wanting this kind of soothing as we never used the breast as a soother/dummy. HOWEVER -
- gives a child comfort when he is sick or unwell; Both of them got some kind of tummy bug around 13/15 mths and went to feeding 7 or 8 times in a day without soilds again. I was amazed as HOW QUICKLY they got better compared to DH and I and how quickly their poops went back to newborn style. I was very thankful for the fact that I was still feeding them when they were sick at this age. I weaned them both (well THEY were ready, I weaned MYSELF rather of the NEED to feed longer) in the summertime when there was lowest chance of sickness or infection for similar reason.
- allows him to connect & bond with you after a day of play & learning; Emma loved her afternoon feed long beyond a year when I would get in the door for work. Oscar had other ideas of how to have fun with Mammy when she came home and weaned himself of this early pm feed (3-4pm snack I am talking about) around 10 mths.
- allows s child become independent and have more self confidence before he is weaned.  - here I think the issue is what the feeding relationship has been like. If babies have been feeding for nutrition mainly and not comfort then its similar to telling them they are big now, drop bottles and move onto the cup (which lots don't do with bottle fed babies till they are 2 or more). If they are nursing for comfort then it could be really really difficult to wean at age 2 as there are so many sleep changes going on as well as two year molars etc. and lots need to feed a lot, lot longer than even age 2 for this reason - not nutrition but dependance on the breast for comfort (just as other kids still have dummies, lovies, their thumb till well into the preschool stage).

Thats just MHO on extended nursing as it can take so, so many forms xxx

« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 14:09:51 pm by shivi »

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

Offline ~Karen~

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Re: Is there actually any benefit to baby to bf after a year???
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 14:15:11 pm »
Thank you lovely ladies!  I'm hoping that I don't have to work consecutive days as think it'll be easier to keep my supply up that way.  Will wait and see if I ever hear back from work!