Author Topic: PU/PD - just starting with my 15 month old  (Read 868 times)

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PU/PD - just starting with my 15 month old
« on: January 09, 2011, 22:21:36 pm »
Hi, so far everything i have done has been based on TBW - which has been amazing! I have a text book baby with angel qualities and up until this week my DD has gone to bed very well.  7pm every night, put down awake and she lays there, watching me as i leave the room.

Now that's she's older i recently let her have her bottle downstairs with me, rather than in the rocking chair in her room.  This past week i take my DD to bed, tell her to wave goodbye to her toys, she kisses Daddy and i take her to her cot.  She now jumps straight back up and screams for me.  Sometimes i let her cry for 1-2 minutes before going back in but lately she is having none of it. She wants to come back downstairs - which isn't an option as it's bed time.  Tonight i let her cry for 2 minutes realised she was getting worse rather than better, then went in picked her up, cuddled her and laid her down before leaving. She laid down, within 1 minute i heard nothing.

I guess i'm just asking what i should do regarding the pu/pd, how many times i should do it, how long i should do it for, is it a silent thing (i.e. no communication)? How long before it works....? I know tonight my DD went down the first time i tried it but she may not tomorrow night.


Offline LizzieN

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Re: PU/PD - just starting with my 15 month old
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2011, 02:39:27 am »
Hey sweetie,
At this age you generally give them a cuddle in the cot, it's fine to say their "sleepy phrase" like "it's ok sweetie it's bed time now" and then lie them back down.
You are doing just fine, I think the trick is not to let them make it into a game, so don't give her lots of eye contact, don't let her engage you.  If you think she is jumping up to just get your attention I would walk out and then re-enter the room is she gets really upset (so WI/WO) or if she isn't playing games but you think there is some separation anxiety I would do gradual withdrawal...I have put a link in for you to have a look at.

I think I will move this post over to toddler sleep for you sweetie, as you will probably get more eyes and "been there done that" type of experiences but I will continue to help as much as I can too :)

Hope this is a temporary blip, I'm sure it will be as you have obviously been very consistent and she generally sleeps so well!


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Re: PU/PD - just starting with my 15 month old
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 01:08:20 am »
Hi there,
I've done both PUPD (5 mo) and WIWO (19 mo) with my DD and have really liked both methods.  I agree with Lizzie, if you think it's some type of SA, you might want to try GW, but since your DD is already an independent sleeper, and it seems like she just wants to go back out with you, the method you're using will probably work well.

A couple things to think about:  if this is a new routine and you've cut out the rocking, it may be that she is just looking for that extra cuddle you used to have.  Even though you are doing the bottle now downstairs, do you still do a little cuddle, read a book, or sing or pray before placing her in her crib?  That may help.  Also, if she's never been left to cry, even 2 min is pretty long in her mind.  If it's not a mantra cry, you need to go back in sooner than that.  I would count to 20 or 30 and if DD was still crying, I'd go back in, say my phrase (I didn't do the put down part at 19 mo because it just made her more mad), leave and start counting again until I heard her switch to a mantra cry.  If she switched to a mantra or stopped for just a few seconds, I started my count again. 

I noticed (and it's still the same to this day) the more I stayed consistent with it the better.  If I leave her for any amount of time and then go back, she continues to put up a fight, because I think she's wondering when I'll come back next.  But, if I'm consistent, and just keep up with the monotony of telling her to lie down and go to sleep, she realizes that's all she's going to get and goes down much quicker.

I think since she's been an independent sleeper already, if you're consistent with it, she will go back quickly.  I think for my DD it only took a night or two of WIWO for her to go back to just blowing me a kiss goodnight.