My son has always nursed quickly but he's always been really keen on feeding but now he's 8 months, he's suddenly started to be difficult.
Yesterday I tried to feed him 4hrs 15min since he'd last fed as my husband was taking him out to give me a break. Until recently 3 hours between feeds was a struggle (and I mean like a week ago being recently). I was actually doing EASY for pretty much the first time ever as he'd just woken from a nap and his earlier feed was straight after waking too.
Anyway, he bit me. It's not the first time he's done this but when he's done it before, I realised I'd been offering ridiculously early but this wasn't the case here?
Anyway, he was fine not wanting milk while he was out then had two feeds pretty close together (90 mins) on his return. His bedtime feed though was the really strange one. He normally feeds for 20 mins prior to bed both sides. Last night he was wriggling as I fed him and only fed for 6 mins on my RHS and would not relatch. Every time I tried he cried.
So I put him to bed as that was obviously what he wanted. He put himself to sleep. Woke at 12, 1, 2, 3, 3:50 and I offered the breast each time. He only took it at 3:50 after I gave him some bonjela (I tried this at bedtime as well in case it was his teeth). Normally he feeds at 2-3 am and at 6am but he was awake again at 5:30am crying and I offered and he took it.
I just don't know what's going on. Help???