Just had to say it. This board is mostly for when things don't work (of course, everything else would be silly), so I posting a wee success story here where it just worked beautifully

The family I work with have two boys, 3 and 3 weeks. When DS1 was 11 months, I started working with them and he was a terrible sleeper. The parents are very cooperative, and stuck to everything I said, DS1 has been a dream sleeper since. I showed them all the PU/PD and later a WiWo light, stuck a routine on their kitchen board every month and it worked. Now DS2 is three weeks old and they are following all the advice again. This family isn't prone at all to AP, more to CIO, so I am very glad, they are slistening. DS is a happy, content baby, gaining weight well and sleeping though for up to 8 hours a night with good 2 hour naps in the day.
Thank you, Tracy, your methods are very 'teachable' IRL.