Thanks Karen, I had thought the same about a shift in A times or an early shift toward 2:1. Will have to get her back on track first and out of OT. We had the 2 NWs early in the evening last night (before 10pm) and then not a peep until 6.10am when she was then awake for the day. Not a good amount of night sleep though when she didn't go to sleep last night until gone 8pm and usually does an 11-11.5h night. Plus had crappy naps yesterday too.
She seems to be teething on and off all the time recently. I can usually tell by her dribbling, rash and red cheeks though and she hasn't had this the past couple of days.
Interestingly she still went down for her am nap after 3h A time, I hadn't read your reply by then and DP was looking after her. She was absolutely shattered by the time I put her down but that was 1h ago and so far she is still asleep! I thought we would have a short OT nap for sure. Makes me wonder if she is using her 1st nap to catch up on NT sleep. It says that in the 2:1 link that you posted.
Will see what today brings and let you know. Thanks so much.