Hi all
DD is 2yr 5 mo and has been EW since she turned two. We accepted 0630 starts as nothing seemed to help the situation. Just after Christmas she pt'd and has been out of nappies (daytime) since and night times have gone a little down hill!
The first problem is she really battles bedtime, we aim for 7pm BT and she's rarely asleep before 8. Mostly it's after 8, with her getting up repeatedly. We usually just put her back to bed without talking or interacting with her. Since PT'ing she repeatedly says she needs a pee or poop, we know this is a stalling tactic and try to ignore her!
She's waking up during the night to go for a pee which we need to solve, but I guess that's an issue for the PT board.
Our main problem is the EW's. She's routinely waking up before 6 to use the toilet, she does a huge pee, then back to bed, five minutes later she'll do a huge poop! She absolutely will not go back to sleep.
We have a Groclock, she's too clever and just keeps saying 'Mummy/ Daddy YOU can make the sun come up'.
She still has an afternoon nap which we've cut to 1hr 15, she's usually asleep by 1320 (she can battle here too) and we wake her at 1435. A few times we've let her go longer and she's still needed waking. She's so tired on an afternoon she generally goes down quickly. We're aware if she dropped the nap she'd possibly sleep longer at night, but a few days where she's missed a nap she's passed out cold watching tv!
I was just curious if you kind ladies had any tips, she needs more sleep at night but we just don't know the best way to get it!