Hi there
There is no right or wrong. One good reason to do it earlier in the day is that if your LO has a reaction to it, he has more time before bedtime to recover. I think the most important thing is to do it at a time when he is well rested and in a good mood.
One book I recently read said just to make sure there is at least 5hrs from the introduction of new foods until bedtime to watch for reactions.
I would say 11ish is a good time to offer new foods. Your LO will not be too full from a big morning milk feed, and will hopefully be happy and well rested from his am nap. It also gives lots of time afterwards to see how he does with the new foods.
Start with breakfast for a few weeks and then you can try adding solids at other times of the day. There is no rush to get to 3 meals, you can go at yours and your baby's pace. Most LO's will be on a good 3 solids meals anywhere between 7-9mos depending on when they started and how well they've taken to it. A lot will depend on your baby.
Also, 'meals' are really an adult thing. There is really no set way that you must offer food to your LO. The best way to look at it at this point, is that milk feeds are still the most important 'meals'. So think of milk feeds as the E part of EASY, and solids as part of the A time. Solids before a year are for fun and exploration, but milk is still the primary source of nutrition.
HTH, good luck!