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Introducing meats
« on: February 22, 2011, 19:28:57 pm »
What age did you begin to introduce meats?  Was it pureed meats?

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Re: Introducing meats
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 20:01:22 pm »
I tried using the jarred stuff with both kids, but it was yuck and they hated it!  For Masyn, around 8 months when she started eating with her fingers I started shredding meat and doing pasta, meat & babyfood squash or sweet potato as sauce, she loved it.

Spencer's first meat was probably McNuggets  :-[  Does that even qualify?  She hated pureed meat, and did not transition to more chunky baby food, but straight to table food. 

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Re: Introducing meats
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 20:49:13 pm »
I've just started this week & DS is same age as Alyssa.  Uk advice is that they are ok to start having meat from 6 months onwards.

I've only given him chicken so far - pureed with sweet potato & apple & he seemed to really like it.  Plan to try him on white fish later this week too.  Think I'll wait a little while before giving red meat though as friends said their LO's didnt like it til they were a little older.

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Re: Introducing meats
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2011, 20:58:55 pm »
With T I think it was around 8mos and it was pureed.  I only really did chicken, then as he got older I would give him other meats as finger foods.

With F we introduced meats pretty early through BLW and just offered him pieces of whatever we ate.  But he didn't actually start eating much of it until closer to 8mos.

If I do it again, I would go the BLW route again.  Pureed meats seem kinda gross, lol!  And F certainly eats far more variety than T at the same age.
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Re: Introducing meats
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2011, 15:18:51 pm »
I was leaning more towards BLW as she is fairly good at chewing.  My friend gave me some leftover frozen purred chicken, so I will try to mix it with some carrots first.


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Re: Introducing meats
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2011, 11:18:38 am »
I started introducing meats at about 6.5 months. We started with chicken and she hated the texture of it, just wouldn't eat it. We left it for a couple of weeks and then tried beef and she loved it.

Now she's 8 months and has chicken, beef, lamb, pork and white fish regularly. I'd have started more by now but I've run out of freezer space! I must start cooking smaller batches...