Author Topic: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!  (Read 1130 times)

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Offline rubberducky

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Im relatively new on this forum(never posted but I consult it often), but I'm doing or trying to do BW with DD who is now 7 1/2 mo. We'd been doing just fine until she got sick in January and got a string of illnesses that lasted until 3 weeks ago. For the past 3 weeks, we've regained the weight lost during the illness and then some. We've had our growth spurt, we want to extend our A time, we've taken to solids like we've been doing it all our life, we sit up, we crawl, we're even trying to stand while grabbing on to things! So much going on, so much energy spent, you'd think the kid would sleep, right? WRONG! My questions are in parenthesis)

She used to be right on schedule for her naps and BT, but for the past week it's just been so out of whack! She wakes around 6:30 has milk then eats breakfast around 8:30, she will go down anywhere until 9:30-10:30! That would be ok if she didn't wake at 11:15, 11:30 bright eyed and ready to play... (should I give her a bottle before nap, since she hasn't had milk since 6:30)

Of course she's then starving so she has milk at wake up and lunch around 12:30-1:00. She then plays until 2 at which point she starts rubbing eyes, fussing, etc. In order to keep her asleep longer I give her another bottle and I procede to put her down, and it goes well. But 30 min. later, I hear her playing in her bed. She'll stay and play alone, no fussing until about 3:00. I go in, redo the wind down and she sleeps only until 4:00-4:30 (I don't do PU/PD because the sight of me over excites her. Tried it, not for us...She's been that way since she was 2 weeks old. I had to cover her eyes so she couldn't see me and stay calm) (where do I begin with the issues here???)

Upon wake up, she's fine, plays, is not hungry or grumpy. We play til 5:00 or 5:30, have dinner, play some more, bath around 6:00, milk around 6:30 then sleep around 7:00 sometimes right after milk.

She get a DF anywhere between 10:30-11:00 and then wakes @2 OR @4:30 Each night is one or the other... It's a nightmare! If I dont feed her at 2, she doesn't resettle and proceeds to play in her bed until 4 and I finally feed her cause by then she's no longer a happy camper... She'll then sleep til 6:30 and it starts over again. (When she wakes at 4:30, I dont mind feeding her as she hasnt had anything since 11:00, but is that ok??(should I drop the DF? What do I do then when she wakes @ 2? Feed her? She last ate almost 8 hours ago?!?!)

If you've read this long, I thank you SO much! And I'll even put it in EASY format...  ;)
E 6:30 Milk
E 8:30 breakfast
A 6:30 to 9:30 or 10:30 depends on the day
S til 11:15
E 11:30 Milk
E 12:30- 1:00 Lunch
A 11:30 til 2:00
E 2:00 (half a bottle of milk)
S 3:00 til 4:00 or 4:30
E 5:30 dinner
E 6:30 Milk
S 7:00
E 2:00 or 4:30 depends on the day
A depending on wether I feed her or not ...

OMG, that's a disaster... HELP ME! Please!?!?!?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 01:49:05 am by rubberducky »

Offline Jiinx

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 04:18:04 am »
Hi there hun,
 So sorry you haven't received any replies yet.

 I think your daughter is approaching the age where she needs more A time between her wake up and naps...

 She also should be able to drop the dreamfeed comfortably by now as she should be getting enough calories during the day to sustain her for the nights, unless she has a growth spurt etc. A lot of mothers on here do say they do a feed a night, though, until they're 1 year...

I did PUPD myself..but it doesn't work if they're not tired or OT or going through any discomfort.

HTH a bit..

Offline rubberducky

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2011, 04:33:26 am »
Thanks for your reply! And the support... I've been doing longer A times for 2 days now... I just need to break the habitual waking, and tweak the eating habits. It's a lot of work, but i'll get through it! :)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 14:17:59 pm by rubberducky »

Offline Jiinx

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 16:30:35 pm »
hey hun!!
 How's the new routine, eating and everything going?? Your kids are beautiful btw

Offline rubberducky

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 17:37:34 pm »
So far? Not too good. She's refusing been refusing food (bottle and solid) for the last 24 hours. I think she's coming down with a bug... We'll see when she gets better, I guess... Thanks for checking up on us! :)

Offline Jiinx

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2011, 19:03:03 pm »
oh :( My lo hasn't been eating well for the last couple of days..she has a cough/cold. Weird how they stop eating when they're not well?

*hugs* I hope she feels better. My lo went through two nursing strikes when she was small. It was so so hard. She'll eat again, hun. She will. Come back when things are settled? I really want to tackle some of the frustrations you brought up..

Offline rubberducky

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 14:17:37 pm »
Hi! So, turns out the loss of appetite was not due to a bug! She was frustrated cause the nipple flow on her bottle had gotten too slow! I feel really bad! But now, we're doing MUCH better!

We're tackling lots of issues, but I think the longer A's, the right nipple flow and W2S is going to work! Obviously, I've had all weekend to analyse this, so here's my plan, tell me if it makes sense? (It's been working for 2 days)

E 6:30 Milk
E 8:00 Breakfast
S 9:00-9:30 to 11:00-11:30
E 11:30 Milk
E 12:30 Lunch
E 2:00 Milk
S 3:00 to 4:45-5:00
E 5:30-6:00 Dinner
E 6:45-7:00 Milk and down for the night.

I'll DF her at 10:30-11:00 still for a while because her solids are not established as well as I'd like. Procede to W2S her at 1 and at 3 for the next week or so and cross my fingers and hope it works!

Does that make sens?

Thanks again!

Offline Jiinx

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 02:51:35 am »
 I think, if it's going well, then it's a great routine!!! How are her nights, otherwise? Is everything running smoothly?

things to watch for:
1) her morning A will need a nudge ...not yet! lol. Please don't change things if everything/she's sleeping well
2) her last A may need to be nudged IF she starts waking early :)

that's it :) Awesome job figuring out what was troubling her at her feedings :)

Offline rubberducky

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 14:02:43 pm »
Nights are a work in progress. W2S is under way, but I'm not screaming victory yet. I think I'm going to do it for another 3 or 4 nights to make sure it's well established. Fingers crossed!

As for the morning and afternoon A's I tries extending, but she's not really ready. The schedule I posted is more of a general rule. She sometimes does longer A's, but mostly, not. I pride myself in being pretty good at reading her tired cues, so I don't want to force the issue and make her OT.

But just out of curiosity how would you tweak that schedule when she's ready? specially the PM one. Bedtime at 7 is really the ideal for me as it allows for a 30min for only big sis and us. What do you think?


Offline Jiinx

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Re: I'm so confused... don't know where to start, and I need advise!
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 19:04:43 pm »
You know when they start waking happy at naps..that's really just the only way I could've figured it out. Plus, when I used to put her down her second nap, she would just babble for a long time before going to sleep - clearing needing more time before her nap. Does that help?

A set bedtime is hard when they're under a year sometimes. At times, they may wake up early from their naps or may need more or less time after their nap. Ideally, if she takes a good nap, you can put her down whenever you think she's tired.