Hi Jane
Thats really sweet of you to ask, thankyou.
Things are going quite well, although today was a bit of a disaster! We've had two nights of her waking only once at 5am one night and 4am the next for a feed and she went straight back to sleep until 6.30am both nights which was great. She goes down great for her am nap (normally) and the pm nap varies a little but it takes no longer than 20 mins for her to go to sleep and maybe a couple of pu/pd's.
Yesterday she woke after an hour for her pm nap (she normally has about an hour and half) and she wasnt too happy so I tried to get her back to sleep but it didnt work so it took a while to get her to sleep at bedtime and she woke at 9pm crying, got her back to sleep but then she woke at 9.30 and we gave her her dreamfeed then. Then she woke at 1.30 and 5am and was up at 6.45am. So not as good but I think that must have been because she was overtired?
Today my partner tried to put her down for her am nap at 9 but she didnt go to sleep until 10, Im not sure why and I had to step in which was a shame because I was enjoying a lie in! Then we went out for a walk and tried to get back for her pm nap but she fell asleep in the pram ten minutes before we got home and then woke up when we did get home. I tried to get her back to sleep but by 4.30pm she was still awake so I gave up. So she completely missed her pm nap! So we've put her to bed half an hour earlier but Im sure we'll have a few NW's tonight.
How does that sound? We're just over 2 weeks into starting EASY. Shes having 3 hourly A times both am and pm and her naps vary from 1-2 hours, normally the am nap is the longest.