Author Topic: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours  (Read 1076 times)

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Offline michelle33

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Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« on: March 20, 2011, 20:04:38 pm »
For the past 2 weeks my DS has been waking up every night and then staying awake for around 2 hours. I work full time and am absolutely shattered. Some nights he'll wake up about 2ish and then I'll get him back of at around 4:30! He wakes at different times so there isn't really a pattern. When he wakes he'll cry until I bring him into our bed and then wants to play. It doesn't matter what time of day he has a nap or for how long. He is cutting his back teeth but this doesn't seem to be troubling him. I do give him paracetamol, but again I don't think its his teeth waking him up. I have even put a night light in his room to try! My poor DH hasn't slept in our bed for over 2 weeks. Previous to this he would go to bed around 6:30 with no problems and STTN until 7ish! Getting him to go to bed has also been hard, he'll cry if I don't leave his bedroom door open but when I do he'll shout me but then when I go in he'll cry and ask for me to pick him up. Any ideas would be really appreciated.He's still in a cot and sleeps in a sleeping bag.Sleep has always been an issue really and when he wakes I have always brought him in with us, so I know its going to be a hard habit to break. I've tried sitting with him until he falls to sleep but this seems to un settle him more as I'm not there when he wakes.                 Thanks in advance.x

Offline sianie

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Re: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 20:19:48 pm »
Hi there...

Could you please post your current routine?

Don't underestimate how much 2nd yr molars can play havoc with sleep. My DD is nearly 3 now & teething never bothered her until her 2nd yr molars started coming through (as they are big, blunt teeth they can take a very long time to come through). If it is teeth bothering him I would suggest using ibuprofen rather than paracetamol as it's anti-inflammatory so better for teething. You could also do a dream feed of meds in the early hours (1/2am) which has really helped with both my LO's.

Also at around 2 yrs old LO's sleep needs can change so it may mean that your LO needs a routine tweak.

Bringing him in with you may also be part of the problem, as you've identified. To try & get him back on track & sleeping in his own bed, WI/WO or GW are probably the best ways to deal with this (see link below FYI).

Hope this helps?

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Re: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 20:46:41 pm »
Listening in...


Offline Lolly

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Re: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 22:01:25 pm »
Long NWs are  mostly always related to pain and discomfort here too - it can be because of reflux or teeth and they never appear to be in pain, but we adjust meds or give meds and it settles down. DS had loads of long NWs when his molars were coming in, we also needed to tweak his routine a bit.


Offline michelle33

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Re: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 08:59:41 am »
Thanks guys. Last night he woke at 2:30 and he never fell to sleep until 5! I left him in his cot and refused to get him out, but kept going in and telling him he was ok. Also gave him paracetamol. I'm a paeds nurse and am reluctant to give him ibuprofen every night, its not the best medicine for their fragile tummies.
His routine is:
Awake at 7ish.   
His nap is different most days because he goes to a childminders on some days and because of the NW it changes.most of the time its about 1-2:30.
Bath at 5:45. Milk, story, cuddle and bed at 6:30. Normally he's asleep in 5 minutes.             I was thinking about getting a toddler bed for him, what do you think?

Offline sianie

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Re: Almost 2yr old awake every night for 2+ hours
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 11:32:01 am »
I wouldn't suggest you gave him ibuprofen every night but it can help if as a one off if you feel his teeth are really bothering him. If it is his molars bothering him & because of the NW's it might be worth trying to pull his nap forward a bit (if possible) to say 12/12.30pm.

TBH, I wouldn't move him into a toddler bed whilst you're having issues & you could find that more issues are created as he'll be able to get out of bed iyswim? Unless he's climbing out then I would leave him in his cot for now.
