I don't know how I missed this post the first time around, but.... the veg are DEFINITELY healthier than the cereal! And for everyone, ESPECIALLY babies, full fat and animal fat and cholesterol are essential for nerve and brain growth. Cholesterol is what nerves are sheathed in, basically, and it's crucial. Dark meat chicken, full fat yogurt, avocadoes, olive oil (we mixed guacamole and olive oil), and eggs when they can tolerate them are essential - good sources of good fats and nerve growth. And yep, red meat is good as well for iron - iron-fortification is iron that the body has a hard time actually using, but when it occurs naturally in foods it's easier fo the body to take in and use - and yep, with Vitamin C as well seems to be better or iron absorption.
Grains and pulses, BTW, if you do use them (we mostly don't bother but sometimes we do use them), if you're able to soak them overnight before using them, definitely do so, and ditto to nuts and seeds. It makes them easier to digest by actually starting them sprouting.

(Think of birds that eat berries and are able to poop out the seeds which then sprout someplace else because they haven't been digested inside the bird and you'll get the idea.
