Hi All,
My DS goes to sleep very well in the evenings. We have a standard routine (dinner 5.30pm, bath, bottle, bed 7.30pm) and he is happy to be put into his cot (most nights) say goodnight, and fall asleep by himself. Myself or DH sit with him for a couple of minutes and then say "you seem to be having a nice time lying down, so Mummy/Daddy will come back if you need me". Most times that OK and he just makes some kind of brief noise, then goes to sleep. He also sleeps through most nights (not counting teething or unwell etc).
On the days he goes to Child care (Mon-Thur) he does about 2 hours sleep in the day - from about 12-2 give or take 15-20 minutes.
On the days he is at home (Fri-Sun) he will often go to sleep before 11am and sleep for between 2-4 hours.
I know the days at kindy are wearing him out, and I am dropping a day of work soon (from 4 to 3) to reduce his time in care and spend more time with him.
The problem we are experiencing is early waking.
More often than not he is waking between 4am and 5am. When we are lucky he will sleep until 6.30am to 7am, but this happens maybe once a week - twice if the Gods are smiling on us
Occasionally he wakes before 4am.
We have tried over time:
- not bringing him out of his cot, but sitting next to him and repeating gently - its still dark, everyone is asleep, you need to lie down and go to sleep etc. This does nothing to calm him down, his yelling just increases - its tantrum-like behaviour I know, but it wakes the parent whose turn it is to sleep in, so we started:
- getting him out of his cot and rocking him (not sustainable - he is heavy and I am small)
- getting him out and playing in his room until it gets light. UNbearable for the parent who just feels sleepy, and DS is learning how to make the door open so it began turning into a long argument... no, stay in your room etc...
- getting him out and moving into the lounge room - bottle and DVD - this is obviously his favourite, and for the parent it is the easiest to take at this hour of the day!
I suspect he is OT. Earlier bedtime? Any other suggestions