I'm assuming this is an eating problem that's affecting sleep, so I'll ask it here:
I've been bf'ing my 12-day-old daughter, and she seems to be gulping lots of air while eating. She will eat steadily for 15-20 minutes, but then won't burp well. She'll get a diaper change, activity, and look tired, but as soon as I lay her down, she looks to be having gas pains & will immediately wet her diaper. (I've been through an entire case of diapers (92) in 9 days because of the inconsistent times that dirty diapers will hit.) This disturbs her enough that I have to change it right then. Any suggestions to help ease her pain? PU/PD just makes her furious when she's in pain. She will only fall asleep laying on my chest and then I roll her off onto the bed beside me or put her in her crib. I seem to be a prop already...