Caleb needs time, so we take about 15-20mins. starts wtih teeth brushing then:
Goodnight to Grandad if he is home
Go to room and jump into bed with blankey
he picks either one puzzle and a book or two books
cuddle and talk about his day
sing a song
cuddles and tuck into bed
lights off and blowing kisses at the door
door closed
Some nights he calls me back for one more cuddle, other nights he doesnt.
Im trying to get him to sit in his room and read a book or do his puzzle by himself for 5 mins so Im not spending so much time in his room and this seems to be helping him too, we use a timer so he sits in his room doing his activity in bed until the timer goes off, sometimes it works, other times he comes running back out again a couple of times. Its a work in progress
ETA: Caleb is not one of those kids to be left in his bed to put himself to sleep, he usually needs to be ready for bed and will go to sleep straight away