My lo is an angel mixed with a bit of text book. Over the past few weeks ive noticed sleep changes in her, that being her nap during the day cutting short to 1 hour 30 from 2 hours. And also taking aaaaaaaaaages to go to sleep at bedtime.
During the day she is fine, goes down for her nap, takes about 10 min to fall asleep but just confused as to what A time she could handle at this age, seeing she has been on roughly the same A time for months since 1 nap. I also noticed that off and on over the past few weeks she has been knoring on her finger, and drooling a bit, me thinks this could have something to do with her 2 year molars starting.. SHe has all her teeth but these. She used to on average sleep 11.5 hours at night and 2 hour nap, but its more like 11 hours at night and 2 hours or sometimes 1 hour 30 min nap. Her typical day but still trying to get the right A times as i think she needs more somewhere but then when you notice the teething you cut back.....
7isham wake
12.30pm sleep, takes about 10 or so min to fall asleep
2.45pm wake (2 hour nap)
7.30pm bed, wind down starts around 7ish
ANd she seems tired so put her to bed, but normally doesnt fall asleep until around 8, sometimes a bit later..
yesterday was a different day all together, as it went like this
7am wake
1pm sleep, put down around 12.45pm fell asleep at 1pm
2.30pm wake (1 hour 30 nap)
7pm start bedtime, she seemed ok, so thought wouls stick with 7pm, left room at 7.30pm, fell asleep at 8.30pm
and this morning she woke at 8.30am?
? so would this mean she needs a longer last A time, is it time for an increase as the last A time has always been shorter like 4 hours 30 to 5 hours and also with the first A time
thanks kirsten