I feel like I shouldn't be complaining. I have an angel 11week old baby who STTN and falls asleep on his own, but has perpetual 30 min naps (used to be 45 min) naps. I'd post our routine but it isn't always the same - I have a 2 and a half yr old running around. I guess I'm just wondering if my LO is good at putting himself to sleep on his own and STTN, will he just eventually start napping as well? Is it basically developmental? I just don't have the time to devote to his naps like I did with ds1. Sometimes I am able to extend his naps, but I don't stress about it if it isn't working. I guess I'm hoping he'll just get it eventually. Even though he's angel, that OT monster usually gets him by the end of the day (of course the most awkward time of the day!!)