I have 5 month old twin girls. We are on the 4hr easy, but get the best naps by them being in their pram. One of our girls (isobel) has also started waking more in the night, so I decided to use Pu/PD and use her cot for naps. We were also using a dummy, and I decided that she was waking for the dummy putting back in, so wanted to stop that too. I have been concentrating on Isobels sleep, as Ava tends to sleep longer, and thought I would do one of them at a time, as doing both together seems impossible.
Up until last night we allowed the girls to sleep until they woke hungry and then fed, and they generally only woke once for food, and slept until 6ish.
Last night we changed and put the twins to bed at the normal time around 7.45 , but did a dream feed at 10.45, isobel took almost a full bottle, and straight back to sleep. Ava only took about 20ml, and then woke at 3.30am for more food, which in turn woke Isobel. We fed Ava, and ended up giving Issi another bottle, but Issi woke again at 5 and 6??!!
As I understand that the routine in the day is important for night, I have tried to put Issi to bed in her cot today. The first time she went to sleep after about 15 mins, but woke after 30 mins, and cried for the remiander of the 2 hours. The next time was similiar, as Ava woke her with a scream after about 20 mins.
What shoudl I concentrate on first?