Anyone else plagued with phantom crying? I swear, I spend half the night (and part of the day) straining my ears listening for crying that doesn't exist. We have a baby monitor and sometimes even when there is no noise coming out of it I am so positive that the baby is crying that I will get out of bed and put my ear on the door to his room. I am not overly protective- all three kids went straight to cribs in their rooms when they got home from the hospital. And I don't go running at the first whimper. But the phantom crying has me going crazy!! And it is worse when the baby is having a tough night and waking more than usual. He will cry and I will deal with him and then go back to bed and every time I close my eyes I will hear his cries and go to get up only to realize he is quiet. Please tell me that I am not completely insane (yet).