Author Topic: 6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help  (Read 2457 times)

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Offline vjoy

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6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help
« on: June 10, 2011, 18:23:45 pm »
Hi all,

I’ve started EASY routine with my 6 week + 2day old daughter, 2 days ago. I need some help mainly regarding her sleep.

In the last two days, I’ve already managed to turn her from being a snacker into a proper feeder. She’s now breastfed every 2 ½ to 3 hours, depending on her sleep. Should she be fed on a stricter schedule, say only every 3 hours? She does only feed for max. 15min, but my milkflow is so fast she seems to be getting enough. I do hold her of with her dummy sometimes if she wants to feed earlier.

Her sleep – we have her in a co-sleeper next to our bed as we don’t have a separate room for her just yet. Her changing table is also in the bedroom (more to that later).

Once she shows signs of being tired (at the moment this is about 30min after she woken up from her last sleep), I take her into the bedroom, close the blinds, swaddle her on my bed, by which point she starts crying. I put a lullaby on and sit with her on my bed for 5 min and calm her down. Sometimes this needs the dummy to calm her.

Once she’s calm I put her in her cot. She’s normally quiet for a minute or two, but then starts to cry. There’s no fussying, just immediately crying. I try to calm her with the shush/pat but have to pick her up most of the time in order to stop crying. Now, how long do I hold her once she’s calmed down? For 5 min again, or just until she is calm and then put her back in her cot? I don’t want me to become her prop, so don’t want to hold her too long. Neither do I want to give her the dummy, but sometimes it’s the only thing that calms her down.

She does suffer from wind from time to time, which does wake her up sometimes too.

Once I put her back into her cot the whole thing starts again, which means she doesn’t actually sleep more than 5 min at a time (we managed 20 min earlier today). Which explains why she’s showing signs of tiredness again after only 30min.

She does however sleep reasonably well at night, the last three nights we put her to bed at 8pm, dreamfeed at 10:30/11pm (first night she managed 6hrs, 2nd night only 3hrs, last night 4 ½ hrs).

Prior the last two days of implementing easy, we had a lot of accidental parenting going on, at first she would only seep on my belly (tummy to tummy), then she would only sleep whilst being carried in her sling. We never had her on a schedule/routine, she used to snack every hour, so I understand she’s got problems settling to this routine. We just didn’t realise how much sleep a newborn needs, so she was constantly overstimulated. How can I help her? How long can I expect it to take for her to fall asleep (and stay asleep) – a few days, a week?

When should I ‘give up’ on the current sleep cycle, if she just doesn’t fall asleep? After 45min? I don’t want to feed her again then, as otherwise she will just snack. So just leave the room? Maybe change her nappy (same room though)? Or am I expecting too much too soon, seeing that we just ‘sorted’ her feeding issue.

Please help me! I’m desperate!

Offline bestie

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Re: 6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2011, 10:14:16 am »
I am so pleased that someone less is having the same problems as me, it's often just good to know you are not alone!!

My DS is 7 weeks and is the same, it takes me 30 mins to 40 mins to get him off to sleep e doesn't really cry too much, just winges and often just stares at the side of the Moses basket relaxed but not asleep. He therefore only gets max 30 mins sleep the most ever is 1hr 15 mins but that is rare.

I wonder whether as we put them down more and more often they will learn it's nap time and go off quicker

Offline Shiv52

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Re: 6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2011, 23:06:37 pm »

Feeding every 2.5/3 hour for such a young BF baby is fine.  There are a lot of growth spurts in the first while so its good to be flexible and follow hunger cues too xx

At 6 weeks I really think its important they get good sleep and independent sleep will come.  What i would do is do your winddown and hold her and help her get drowsy then put her in her cot and ssh-pat over to sleep.  Once she is doing that then you can work on putting her down more and more awake.  6 weeks is still so little so try to worry about props.

With the dummy....I think you either let her have a dummy or don't.  It can be very confusing for a LO to be allowed it sometimes and then not other times.   If she finds it calming and its helping her to go to sleep I would use it but if you really dont' want to use a dummy I would just get rid of it altogether.  How is her sucking reflex?  Is it strong?  My LO had a really strong need to suck and a dummy really helped (before we used one she was just attached to me  24/7!).  Have you got BWSAYP? There is a bit in there about using a dummy to help  with LOs who have a strong need to suck.

How can I help her? How long can I expect it to take for her to fall asleep (and stay asleep) – a few days, a week?
You can help her  by providing the opportunity for sleep but it takes time.  In these early days you can help her as I described above and work on getting her down more and more independently as the weeks go on.  At such a young age alot of mummies aim for one/two naps in the cot and do some naps in a sling/pram etc to make sure they are getting enough sleep as an OT baby is not going to sleep easily on their own. 

The other thing that stands out is her A time is very short for 6 weeks.
Newborn 50-60 mins
1 month 60 mins-hour and 15
2 months 1 hour and 15 - 20 mins

You could try stretching those A times 10-15 minutes at a time, maybe try 40 minute for a few days and see does that help.  I think your LO is UT so short napping and ending up OT as the day goes on. 


Offline vjoy

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Re: 6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 19:03:05 pm »
Thanks, I'll try stretching her A time a little. Unfortunately we've also regressed a bit on the feeding front. She's now feeding every 2 hours. I'm trying to delay this as well, but when she's hungry, she's hungry. I use the dummy to delay for about 10min, but she's not happy about this.

I guess it's more of a long term project ;)

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Re: 6 week old, very short daytime naps - please help
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 20:31:07 pm »
I guess it's more of a long term project
Sure is x

If she's not being held off by the dummy and is taking good feeds I'd go ahead and feed even its only been 2 hours.  If mine was genuinely hungry the dummy would only work for so long!