Backstory: DD2 will be 8 months tomorrow. We weaned the dreamfeed almost 4 weeks ago. DD will not take a spoon of any sort and we are BLW. As you know, because of BLW, I can't sneak in some formula to cereal or yogurt etc. I don't mind feeding her a little with a spoon but she will have nothing of it.
Recently she has started waking to eat so I brought back the dreamfeed so we can all have a good night sleep and to keep control of the situation. She has had 5 days of dreamfeed and has stopped waking. She is taking 4 oz and draining the bottle.
I haven't changed the nipple to increase the flow (only option is a Y nipple with Bornfree bottles) because even with the current nipple when we tilt the bottle all the way as recommended she gets frustrated because it leaks out a little even though she doesn't suck and makes her sputter.
Here is our EASY
wake between 6:15 and 6:45
E 6:45 or 7:00 5-6 oz, offered 7
solids 7:30 or 8:00
S 9:30-10:15 (3 hrs 15 of A time)
wake by 11:30 if still sleeping
E upon waking 5-6oz offered 7
solids 12:00
E just started YESTERDAY offering 4-5 oz before napS 2:15-2:45 (3 hrs 15 of A time)
wakes between 4:00 and 4:30
E rest of bottle 2-3 oz
solids 5:30
E 5-7 oz
bed depending on wake of last nap
dreamfeed 10:30 4 oz
any advice? When should I start weaning the dreamfeed AGAIN?