So DS is 15 months and has his paci for naps and bedtime. He likes it but has never been addicted to it. He can easily sleep in the car without it and sleeps through the night with it out of his mouth, occasionally finding it in the early morning.
Today he had a great nursing before nap and was really relaxed so instead of rinsing and giving him his paci as we normally do, we rinsed it, said goodbye to it and he went down without a fuss without it.
I have never tried to wean him and so this is a first. DD is 4 1/2 and still has it but she is very intense and has always NEEDED it desperately. I tried twice to wean her and it was AWFUL for her.
So this is new for us - are we to expect a regression tonight? tomorrow? in a few days? I assume we just keep saying "we said bye to it, remember?" I don't want him to get it back and then become addicted to it...
I wasn't really planning to wean today - was going to wait for the summer holiday but he just seemed in a great place to do it before his nap...and it worked at least for this nap...