Author Topic: 22 month old took two hours to go to sleep tonight  (Read 860 times)

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Offline danacarrie

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22 month old took two hours to go to sleep tonight
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:25:13 am »
Hi, I could use some support.
My DD went through a bad 18 month sleep regression, with my DH and I sleeping on her floor every night, having to stay with her until she fell asleep (sometimes an hour or more), etc.  It took about 10 weeks to get through it, and we are just starting to enjoy a more normal routine again.  Typically her routine is like this:
6:45 or 7am wake
8am snack
9am breakfast
12pm lunch
12:30-2pm or sometimes 2:30pm nap
4:30pm snack
6pm dinner
7pm lights out
She typically takes to this routine really well.  Sometimes her nap is a little late, say 1-3pm, and when that happens, we are just a little more casual about bedtime, and have lights out by 7:15.

10 days ago, she went with DH to sleep at his parents house.  She slept fine there, but since she got back, things have been touch and go, with occasional NW, etc.  We've only had to sleep on the floor once though.  I do think she is getting her back molars, and she has had a touch of the stomach flu.  I've been giving her meds for her teeth for the last three nights.

Today, she had a totally normal day, but seemed tired early.  We did a long winddown, and I left her room at 6:50 instead of 7pm.  She was quiet until 7:20, but then cried out, and just finally went to sleep at 9pm.  She needed me in the room with her, but even with me there, she stood in her crib and wouldn't lay down.  I tried everything, and none of my tricks worked.

Finally, I realized she might be hot, so I got her out of bed, changed her clothes, and then rocked her for just a minute.  She let me put her down in the crib and she just turned over and went to sleep.

I am so upset.  Could it have just been that?  Or do we have the beginnings of a monster?  I feel like she is regressing slightly in general- she is asking for me to feed her, asking for a bottle more often, and crawling a little bit.  There is no obvious explanation for this except that we will be moving in the next month and perhaps she is picking up on our anxiety.  We don't have a new baby coming or anything.

Anyway, I could use some support.  I thought I was going to lose my mind tonight, and I am scared of what the night will bring in terms of NW.  I'm sure she is completely OT so I am anticipating lots of NW and probably and EW. 

Thanks a lot,

Offline lilybug25

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Re: 22 month old took two hours to go to sleep tonight
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 04:30:37 am »
Dana, big big hugs, no advice I'm afriad but as I am in the "eye of the storm" with the 18 month sleep regression and it took 3.5 hrs to get my daughter to bed tonight just know I'm here also taking my entire night trying to get my child to sleep. So I'm hoding your hand.
hugs again

Offline sianie

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Re: 22 month old took two hours to go to sleep tonight
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 11:21:11 am »

It could be a few things throwing her off track; developmental milestones & teething are the biggies at around this age. Unfortunately, 2nd year molars are tough & take ages to come through so they could be part of the issue. It does also sound like she's OT.

Have you tried pulling her nap a little earlier so say 12pm, let her sleep as long as she needs or try an earlier BT is she short naps?

I know with my DD that meeds didn't help a huge amount for her 2nd year molars but ibuprofen based meeds definitely worked better than paracetamol ones. You could also consider a meds dream feed in the early hours if you feel teeth are really bothering her?

Do you think she might have gotten used to you or your DH being in her room when she goes to sleep? Are you still having to do it?
