Author Topic: Re: waking up screaming UPDATE pg3: pinworms back, and I'm POed!!  (Read 12242 times)

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Offline sensfan

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My son is 3.5 years old and has always been a good sleeper. Until recently he would take a 2-2.5 hour nap and sleep 11.5 hours at night. When he started being dry at night and stopped wearing pull-ups, he would generally wake up once at night to pee, but that was it. Then last month he started having a hard time settling at night, so we cut back the nap and then ended up just getting rid of it. He's been totally fine with this.

Every now and then though he would have a night where he would wake up screaming, saying his bum was hurting, and it would take up to an hour to get him settled and back to sleep. We would just chalk it up to maybe him being gassy and move on. Lately though, it's been happening more frequently.

He also has times when he'll poop during the day and cry, saying his poop hurts. He goes every day and isn't constipated in the slightest. I think maybe it did hurt him once, and now he just tenses up.

Anyways, 2 nights in a row now he's woken up between 9:30-10:30 screaming to the point I'm shocked he hasn't woken his sister. When we first go in he's almost incoherent: won't tell us what's wrong, is totally tensed up...will just say owieowieowie and that he needs us. It's almost like he's having a temper tantrum if you can picture how worked up that is. We'll sit with him while he's on the toilet, nothing happens, but he just can't calm himself down and insists his bum is hurting. After the first night we were at the doctor's for DD's shots, and I explained what had happened (on average it was probably happening once every 2 weeks before the last 2 nights). Doctor lay him down and checked out the bumhole, but said he couldn't see anything that would be causing a problem.

I don't think he's doing this to try and manipulate us, or that we've set some sort of precedent by coming and taking him from his room. (We do this since it takes so long for him to calm down, and we don't want him to wake his sister) He's genuinely upset, whether there's actually something bugging him or it's something he's creating in his head. We asked him to try and tell us where it hurt, and that seems to change. The first night he pointed almost to the tailbone area, then last night he said it was inside his bum. I'm just at a complete loss for what to do to help him! Half the time he doesn't even want me, he just wants DH.

Sorry if this has gone on a little long, but I just have no clue what to do here. Could it be something physical that the doctor is missing? Is there something else going on that I'm missing?? Any insights are much appreciated! I want my awesome sleeper back.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 03:01:17 am by sensfan »

Offline ~inbalance~

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Aw, poor guy.  That sounds like no fun.  :(  It sounds like he is genuinely bothered by something.  I wonder if his bum isn't actually hurting all the time, rather he's just remembering sometime where it did hurt.  Like you said when maybe it hurt to poo once, and now he associates with it. 

I don't have much advice.  There is a book called Sleep Talk that some ladies have talked about, I wonder if that might help for if he is having some kind of subconscious fears that are waking him.  I am thinking of picking it up for DS1 for some PTing issues.

I do think though that whatever is scaring him is legitimate, just not sure what it could be.   :-\
Mama to
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Offline greenteamomma

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OK, don't think I'm trying to be extreme or grosse.  But don't pin worms or some kind of worn that are in the gut use that exit and its so itchy?  I'm sure I read that in one of our baby books.  Its worth a try.  I remember reading that in the dark you can try using just a flashlight and shine the light on his bum and see if you can see something.  It doesn't work in the day.  for some reason, I remember this! ::) 

Offline ~inbalance~

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Jen, do you want me to move this to the health board?  Let me know, it does sound like it is related to the discomfort.  :-*
Mama to
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Offline sensfan

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The doctor did ask if we'd seen anything around the hole or in the toilet, but we haven't. :-\ Going to take a closer look if it happens again tonight. Martina, if you think the health board is the better place for this, then by all means. I need all the help I can get!

Offline ~inbalance~

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Does he only wake up the one time?  Is it the same time every night?  I will leave the post here for the time being, let us know how tonight goes.  :)
Mama to
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Was going to suggest worms too.....

 Poor guy.  :'(

 You can buy a worm tablet over the counter and at least that will rule it out for you. (((hugs))))

Offline babybarr

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Good idea of Emma's. At least rule out worms.

If he is in that much pain then I def suggest you seek further advice.  If there's nothing physical wrong then you can address the psychological issue.

Has he been ill at all since this started? 

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If he was constipated one day then maybe he has internal piles? :(
L x Having a bw break from 1 Feb 2012 - if you want to get in touch please send me a pm.  I may not be here but you are all in my thoughts xxxx (probably be back some time)

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Offline sensfan

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When he's waking for one of these fits it's generally always before we go to bed, so sometime between 9:00-11:00. Once he settles down, he always STTN at that point.

He hasn't been sick at all, and really hasn't been constipated either. I think it was one time back in the winter that it was a little harder and I remember there was a little blood when I wiped him. But it's never happened since. I think he just has a bit of an association now as far as that's concerned. And like I said, he doesn't poop when he wakes like this, although he sometimes tells us he thinks he has to. Last night he'd actually pooped with no problems at all right before he went to bed.

As for a worm pill, anyone know if they're available over the counter in Canada too? And would I want to give him one if I wasn't sure he actually had them?

Offline ~inbalance~

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There is a medication for worms you can get but I think you have to ask the pharmacist for it.
Mama to
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Offline greenteamomma

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What about night terrors?  Isn't the rule, night terrors before midnight and nightmares after midnight?  Just trying to think of some other ideas.  DS had night terrors and the theme was the same, what ever it was at the time, every night for him.  It COULD be just a stressor of some sort.

The other thing is sometimes they say pain for lack of a better word.  Their vocab isn't "there" yet, IYKWIM. 

Just some thoughts. 

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I think it was one time back in the winter that it was a little harder and I remember there was a little blood when I wiped him.
I wonder if he had/has an anal fissure and the pain is really bugging him.  Could definitely be pinworms, though. :-\  You can do a scotch tape test if you know anyone with a microscope.  ::)

Offline sensfan

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Don't think it's night terrors. He's awake and fully aware when this is happening. I just can't see it being a fissure either..wouldn't he be in pain every time he poops if it was?  :-\ And wouldn't the doctor have seen some sign of it when he looked?  :-\ Not saying I haven't thought the same things as this goes on and on...

And scotch tape test??

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I just can't see it being a fissure either..wouldn't he be in pain every time he poops if it was?
Not necessarily.  Fissures can heal but do often break open again in the same place.  You'll see a bit of blood on the TP or on the stool itself.  With a bigger or harder stool they're more likely to be an issue again.  That tissue heals really quickly so it's possible you wouldn't see anything when looking.  :-\

And scotch tape test??
In the morning you basically put a piece of tape around the anus and if there are eggs from the pinworms (they lay them in the night) you can see them under a microscope.  :P