I am new to baby whisperer and our 8wk old had never slept in crib for naps during the day until I read this book. Always slept in swing, on her boppy pillow, or being held (now realizing was a mistake), but would take 1.5-2 hour naps. Have been trying to get her to sleep in her crib for 2 weeks now and she wakes hysterical every 30 min on the dot. I can sometimes get her to settle back down with shush-pat once, but 30 minutes later she wakes again and I am unable to get her to settle again. Of note, she always falls asleep at the breast prior to going to bed for the night, so she is already asleep when placed there and usually stays asleep for 6-7 hours. During daytime naps, I place her in crib during the 7 mile stare time and she will usually go to sleep without any other help except her pacifier. The times that she accidentally falls asleep while playing without me noticing, I place her in her crib and she will wake up within 10-20 minutes crying as well. It seems that she is having difficulty entering another sleep cycle on her own without the help of a swing or being held. Help! She is starting to get overtired by end of day due to bad naps!