Author Topic: Lots of Q's about my 10 mo LO's feeding schedule...  (Read 1443 times)

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Lots of Q's about my 10 mo LO's feeding schedule...
« on: June 25, 2011, 14:23:06 pm »
My LO is 10 1/2 months old.  As she was premature, we didn't start solids until a few weeks after the 6 month mark.  She is just really starting finger foods and still eats Stage 2 jarred food for most meals.  She refuses to eat Stage 3, or any kind of "mush" I make that has lumps in it.  Our current feeding schedule looks like this (and it varies slightly depending naps):

Awake @ 6:00 most days...
7:00 - 8 oz bottle
8:00 - Breakfast (1.5 oz's solids)
11:15 - 7 oz bottle
12:30 - Lunch (1.5 oz solids)
4:00 - 7 oz bottle
5:30 - Dinner (1.5 oz solids)

7:30  - 7 oz bottle

Lately my LO has started really not wanting more than 5 oz's or so of her second bottle, and she's begun having lots of night wakings (which I'm troubleshooting over on the sleep board).  I actually had to feed her at night for the first time in MONTHS this week.  I was worried that she's not drinking enough and maybe getting hungry at night (She's crawling and standing now so her activity level has gone up) so I'm constantly trying to force her to drink her whole bottle when she doesn't want it. 

*Am I not feeding enough solids?  Tracy says 1.5 oz in her book but it doesn't seem like much...
*Should I be moving to 3 bottle feeds instead of 4?  How do I go about doing this?
*Am I trying to force her to drink too much formula?

Thanks for taking a look at our schedule!

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Re: Lots of Q's about my 10 mo LO's feeding schedule...
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 01:44:33 am »
Her milk intake looks ok and I do think it's normal to drop a few oz at this stage.  I think you could start offering her more solids, 1.5oz isn't really a lot.  Is she eating finger foods in addition?  I'm not sure about dropping bottles as I have always BF, but I think around this age many moms start going down to 3 bottles of about 8oz each or so.  Maybe this link will help you out a bit with the bottles:  If you have more questions you can post on the bottle feeding forum for more specific advice about this.

For the NWings, they may not be hunger related at all.  If she is just becoming more mobile, learning new skills often affects sleep dramatically.  I would really try to avoid having to feed her at night because it will just make her less hungry during the day, kwim?

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Re: Lots of Q's about my 10 mo LO's feeding schedule...
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 08:04:02 am »
I would offer smaller daytime bottles (maybe 5oz in each) and let her have as much solids as she wants. At that age both mine had dropped to 2 bottles and had 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks.  If she loses more interest in the 11.15am bottle then I would drop it and replace with a snack and drink of water maybe around 10/10.30am.  I would offer lots of finger foods too alongside her other food.

Offline amberpie

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Re: Lots of Q's about my 10 mo LO's feeding schedule...
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 14:01:04 pm »
Thanks Ladies, that link really helped!  I def. think its time for me to switch her to 3 bottles then, and offer more solids. 

And I agree with you that I should NOT revert to feeding her at night: We only did that one time and I didn't give her the bottle until she'd been awake for over 3 hours which is SO unlike her.  And the moment I gave her the bottle she chugged the whole thing and finally settled back to sleep. and thinking back to the day before she really hadn't eaten as much as normal so that's why I started freaking out about making sure she's drinking all of her bottles.