My little one is 3.5 and after she banged loose a front tooth horsing around with a friend, we decided to quit the dummy forever to give the tooth the best chance of tightening up.
Normally, she sleeps 11 hrs (8pm - 7am), only catnaps about once a week (20 mins mis afternoon, and then the bedtime goes to 9.30pm, but relies heavily on the dummy then to eventually drop off to sleep).
We've been dummy free for 4 days - she's absolutely shattered as I have been keeping her occupied and amused during the day to stop her wanting the dummy (she would want it at any downtime through the day). The plus is that she falls asleep (and stays asleep) easily at nighttime and puts up little fight to have the dummy at bedtime to fall asleep, as she's so tired.
The downside is that she's tiring earlier -6.30pm, and rushing through the sleep cycles as she's so overtired, which is meaning she is waking progressively earlier, 5am, 5.30 am and that is having the knock on effect of making her grumpy, demanding and wanting bed (and dummy!) even earlier. We are in this vicious circle of early ovetired bedtime, and even earlier waking (she would normally put the dummy in if she woke earlier than 7am and have another 40 mins or so, but of course we've dropped that now!).
The answer would normally be to let her have a canap to revive her and get her back on track with her normal bedtime and fill the sleep tank up again, but she'd never get to sleep if she was only slightly tired - we need a several more dummy free days before I think she'd be close to breaking this 3.5 year habit.
Please can you help us? We are all stressed out and tired! Even the dog is tired and bad tempered!