We are still struggling with the 2-1 and I am thinking the only option now is to move cold turkey to 1 nap. DS turned 1 today. We were doing just 1 nap a few weeks ago then he got sick and we have ended up with some props. In the process I was able to get him to take 2 naps again, totaling about 2 hrs a day. We are now having more and more resistance to the pm nap. It seems that no matter the length of the am nap (I've tried 20m 30, 45 or as long as he wants), I still get him resisting the next nap. Plus he will only sleep a maximum 1hr10.
It is really hard to tell if it is OT or UT. I have tried different A times (from less than 3 to close to 5hrs). When I first went back to 2 naps he gave me a few good stretches of night sleep (we get lots of NWs still), which was why I continued. But now it is taking so much effort to try to get that second nap (even though he seems tired) I just wonder whether I should go back to 1 nap. Also I am struggling to get more than 1.5hrs into him during the day. I feel like I have posted this very post before...
A couple of problems with moving right to 1 nap. First is that he usually wakes at 5-5:30 and is in bed at night by about 6:30. And I can't seem to get more than 1.5hrs out of him. Together this makes for a very long day. He is often ready for a nap at about 9 am (although today not till closer to 10). I don't know if this is just a blip or if his A time is making a jump.
I have tried short am/long pm, long am/short pm and in both cases it is struggle to get the pm. We have had a number of events lately - birthdays and people over, plus his brothers being home form school could be adding some OS. Plus I think we have another 2 teeth coming.
Can anyone help me get this straightened out?