Hello all-
I have just discovered this website about a week ago and have been getting lots of great information!
Our LO is now 6 months and one week, and has just been moved to the 4 hour EASY. (I didn't realize that I should have done this about 2 months ago from the three hour EASY!)
We have also been eating purees and oatmeal in the past month, so there has been a lot of transition here at our house.
DS is breastfed, but takes bottles while I am at work. Right now our schedule looks like this:
7:00 BF
8:00 1/2 jar of fruit with one tablespoon of oatmeal and water mixed in
11:00 6 oz bottle
12:00 1/2 jar of veggies
3:00 6 oz bottle
4:00 1/2 jar of veggies with one tablespoon of oatmeal and water mixed in
7:00 BF and bed about 7:30
Sometimes I'll do a quick BF at 8:00 if we are putting him down a little later.
He is up a few times in the middle of the night. Last night at 1:00, I rocked him and he slept until about 4:30 where I nursed him one one side and he slept until 7:00.
My question is if two tablespoons of oatmeal a day is enough or to much? I have seen where some babies are eating just one a day, and others where they are eating two at a time just in the morning.
I want him to start taking more at his bottles, so when he wakes up in the middle of the night, I try not to give him a full feeding.
Help! Does this look right?
Thanks so much!