Hi there,
My DD was 1 last Friday, about a month ago she cut 3 teeth in a week and it was pretty rough, she is a 'textbook' baby and I have been following the EASY routine with her since about 8 weeks. She struggled through the nights when she was teething and I was worried I had ruined everything as I was having to rock her off to sleep almost every night. She was off her solids but all seemed to get back on track.
About a fortnight ago she started EW, she usually sleeps 7-7, so I checked on this website and saw the post about the 10/11mo sleep problems and we changed her naps. She was napping 1hr30 in the mornings and 1hr and sometimes 1hr15 in the afternoon. Last Tuesday I cut her morning nap to 1hr 15 and only allowed her an hour in the afternoon, by Thursday morning she slept til 7, yay!
Anyway, we celebrated her birthday on Friday and then come Sunday she was grizzly and had a temperature, that night she woke about 2am and took about an hour to resettle, which is unlike her.
Since Sunday she has been awake for anything up to 4 hours a night, screaming the house down. She has never been much of a crier so she must be in real agony.
Last night was the worst night waking so far, I was out with friends and me coming home at 10.30pm woke her and she went crazy. She is refusing any milk apart from her morning bottle of 4oz, and eats no solids. I tried to offer her milk & she wouldnt take it and I gave her nurofen & calpol and after 3 hours I eventually put her in the car and went for a drive as she was so angry that nothing I could do would settle her. She eventually went to sleep about 1am as she was exhausted. Again it is unusual for her to wake at me coming in, usually nothing would stir her from her sleep!
Today she has been so miserabe, and pretty much inconsolable at times, nurofen isnt even taking the edge off. Today she has drank 4oz of milk at 7am and since then eaten a few hula hoops and half a fish finger! She refused her bedtime bottle so I put her down and 10 mins later she cried like nothing I have ever heard before, she was hurling herself around so much that I thought I would drop her. Again, after an hour and a half I took her in the car as neither me or my husband were tolerating her screams and all the face scratching etc any longer.
Sorry for the long post but literally dont know what to do, am I missing something? Can this really all be due to teething? Have I cut her naps too much? Thank you so much for reading this far, I am desperate!"