We are having the same problem with our 8.5mo. Doing great with solids. Was on 4 bottles a day - generally taking 200-220ml in morning (rest on cereal), then around 120-180 for other three. Self reduced milk from lunch feed (11-11.30ish) and then little interest in milk at 3. So, a week or so ago I dropped the milk at the lunch feed, thinking she would then take more at 3pm. Didn't really change anything??
She eats her solids very well, in fact, gets cranky if we don't get them in quick enough. Am wondering if I am giving her too much. I guess its around 100g on average. Sometimes a little more. Eating a huge variety of veg, fruit and protein so no worries there.
She has been up 2 of the last 3 nights, quite unsettled. Assumed teething. Used Ibuprofen. Still unsettled an hour later. In the end I have offered a small bottle and both times she took it all (90ml first time - then settled for the night, 150ml second time, settled for an hour then back up again).
Generally, she is a very easy, contented baby. Day sleeps are good. Nights are 7 to 7 or thereabouts. Has been a bit off colour of late. Blamed teething to start and also has a cold requiring antibiotics which wouldn't help.
So, I am wondering if
1. that's too much solids (1 x weetbix, and 2x 100-150g veg etc), thus affecting milk intake?
2. should I re-introduce the lunchtime milk?
3. is it just due to teething?
After reading the above posts, maybe it is just teething. My DS is only 2.5 but I can't remember when we swapped his feeds around, let alone what happened with his initial teething!!
Any feedback appreciated. Meanwhile, off to bed in case I am up again all night!!