Author Topic: help!!.. 2 1/2 yr old still has dummy how to get him off it pleasee ??  (Read 955 times)

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Offline lozzyb123

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i have a 2 and 1/2 yr old lil man who still has his dummy he dosent have it in the day its just reallly at night ive tried taking it of him but he cry and cray and cray and then as he shares a room with his lil sisterhe wakes her up and it continuse all nignt :( any suggestion on how to wean him of it would be so helpful ! xx thankyou
laura x

Offline j.and.e

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my 2.5yo still has his dummy at nite. He also shares. I was hoping he wud grow out of it in the nxt year. Why do you need to take away? Xx

Offline ~Natalie~

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I am going to pop this over to the toddler board, you will get more age appropriate help over there. 

Offline Katet

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My Ds1 kept his until 4y & then gave it up on his own when he gave up naps, my DS2 sucked on the arms of a bear until he was 4.5yo & then gave that up without my pushing it... both didn't have any long term effects on teeth as DS2's open bite caused by the bear closed up to give him a "textbook" (according to the dentist) bite.
I think if it isn't causing you any issues & he sleeps well with it then there is no reason to get him to give it up if he only has it for sleep.
One thing a friend of mine did was start at about 3yo "4yo's don't have a dummy, it is ok for 3yo's but not for 4yo" & about a month before her DD turned 4 she said "I'm ready to be 4, here are my Dummies, can I have my Birthday tomorrow, I don't want to wait"... so they had it early, it was very cute, hearing her say "my proper 4yo Birthday isn't yet, but because I gave up my Dummy I get to be 4 early"
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline ~Sarah~

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DS is just about 2.5 and he too sleeps with several paci's.  I too am not at a point where I am getting rid of them.  I don't make a big deal of it bc it truly is his comfort item.  He also has a blanket and puppy that he can use outside of bed.  But nothing calms him down like his paci's

My friends daughter used a bottle until she was 4 an then also gave it up just before her 4th b-day as that is when "Big Girls" no longer need them.

Sorry if that is not the answer you were hoping for...