i ws just wondering how much your LO's take at each feed. The instructions on the carton say for her age to feed 5 x 6oz feeds a day but my DD cannot take that much milk in one go! she tends to take 3-4 ozs, 5 very rarely. I think i'm worried that she's not taking enough but if i try to get her to take more she is sick so she obviously doesn't want it. She feeds at approx, 7, 10.30, 2, 5 and 7 then dreamfeed at 11.
I think i'm just a bit neurotic and constantly worried that she isn't getting enough milk, though the health visitor assures me her weight etc is fine! I am wondering if she would be better on a 3 hour EASY and taking more, smaller feeds as her A times aren't really long enough to suit the 3.5 hour.