Author Topic: 8 week old jolting after 30 minutes  (Read 840 times)

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8 week old jolting after 30 minutes
« on: July 19, 2011, 15:29:56 pm »
Hi, everyone!! I am a new mom, and live by the babywhisperer. However, I am having some major trouble with naps. My son is 8 weeks old, and has started to be much more awake and alert during the day. Prior to this week, he would randomly fall asleep for hours, which created a lack of routine. This week I decided to start a serious nap routine, but feel like maybe I am starting too late. Here are our issues:

-Great sleeper at night - 2 wakeups for feedings, and puts himself to sleep
-Fights naptime. Doesn't cry, but will close his eyes and then jolt awake, and start the process all over
-FINALLY once asleep, will sleep for 30 minutes (on the dot) and wake up.

I have tried putting him in his crib BEFORE he becomes overtired, like the book suggests. We play, I lay him in his bouncy chair to unwind, and then put him in his crib when I can tell he is getting sleepy.

I'd love to get on the 1.5 hour nap schedule, but am worried that I should have started this strict routine weeks ago.

Could this also be a sign of hunger? I am trying to increase my supply, to see if that could be the problem as well! HELP!!

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Re: 8 week old jolting after 30 minutes
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 20:09:24 pm »
(((hugs))) and welcome to the boards. Don't worry, there aren't many babies who are on a routine by 8 weeks old, lots of mums don't even discover BW until much later.

How much awake time is he having between naps now? can you give us a rough idea of what a typical day looks like in terms of A times, nap times etc?

30 mins naps are usually a good sign of overtiredness, at 8 weeks I would try to keep his awake time (including feed and wind-down) to no more than 1hr15mins - and even less after a short nap.