Hi, This is driving me nuts and I can't figure out why it happens or how to fix it. Every night, we put K into his cot for BT and he usually falls asleep after about 10mins. Great - but then EVERY night he wakes up after 10mins and jumps around/sings/plays for another 30-45mins. It is like he gets a second wind and decides mid-sleep that he is not quite ready to be asleep for the night.
Could this be UT/OT? Routine problem? Habitual waking? Its been going on for at a least a month or two now and I've given up wishing he would just stop it. IT is especially annoying because he is particularly loud during the second wind and usually will also wake up DD.
How can I get him to stop doing this?? I've been cutting his nap to try and encourage an earlier BT as he is starting to fall asleep closer to 8:30 with these antics going on.
6:30 Wake
12:30 Nap
2:00/2:15 Wake him
7:45 Fall asleep but wake after 10 mins
8:30 Asleep for the night