Hi all,
My LO is almost 8 months old and he has been on solids for a month now. He is dairy/soy intolerant so I waited awhile to start solids to let his gut mature and heal. I have a few questions about routines and amounts. I started DS with yellow veggies/fruits and he seems to tolerate carrots, squash, yams and peaches very well. I think bananas gave him some hives (not sure but two little red bumps that look like bug bites were on his back for about 4 hours and then gone). Same with pears which I thought was weird since they are suppose to be gentle. Anyway, I was giving DS the safe foods and then he had major constipation. That has resolved but I am just not sure how to avoid backing him up again. I am not sure if I am feeding him too much of each food or too many at one time? I was giving him about a 1-2 tablespoons 1-2 times a day. Usually the food we were trialling and a safe food.
I just started Oatmeal 2 days ago the past 2 days he has been a bear to put down for naps and at night. He has had multiple NW's as well. Could it be the oatmeal? I have no idea if he is teething. I checked out his gums and they don't appear to be red or swollen.
Super confused about how to move forward with solids.